ENVISION - The role of B-vitamins in microbial plankton (CTM2014-59031-P, PI: Eva Teira)

Phytoplankton derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) can be readily assimilated by bacterioplankton. The availability of inorganic nutrients and more recently of vitamins has been recognized as limiting factors for auxotrophic phytoplankton growth. However, fundamental understanding on the underlying mechanisms involved in those interactions and the degradation of labile DOM is still rudimentary. Therefore, we conducted mesocosm experiments with nutrient rich seawater from an upwelling system in the North-East Atlantic Ocean as part of the ENVISION project. In order to study the functional gene expression response of natural microbial assemblages during pre- and post-bloom conditions. We infer that such knowledge is crucial for understanding the dynamics, both at the functional gene expression and the community level, of organic matter cycling during pronounced phytoplankton growth.

Impressions of the field work

R/V Ramon Margalef
Out at sea
Rosette sampling device equipped with Niskin bottles
Collecting water from different depth layers
Water is coming!

After a long day of intensive work finally time to enjoy an incredibly beautiful sunset

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